Mining Industry

We develop business solutions that give your company a clear advantage in the marketplace.
Dokshin offers cutting-edge industry expertise combined with a team that has a background in management consulting, engineering, construction management and private equity.
  • Our goal is to give you the highest confidence in the underlying value of your project, by providing appropriate analyses and interpretations to support your key project decisions and development strategies. Our focus is on getting project concepts correct from the earliest stages.

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  • Geotechnical modeling
    We interpret and analyze findings from geo-data to detect ground conditions that may impact engineering projects. We build models at early stages by performing regional geological assessments and desk studies using publicly available data.

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  • Tailings and Mine Waste Engineering
    We manage mine waste using an interdisciplinary approach involving: mining engineering, civil engineering, water management, environmental engineering, and geotechnical engineering.

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  • Water management
    We develop the conjunctive use of surface, groundwater and recycled water; collecting baseline surface and groundwater data at the early stages of the exploration project, including borehole water levels, surface flows and water quality data; and integrating each water component with the total mine water system.

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  • Metallurgy and Mineral Processing
    Our experienced team of metallurgists and process specialists primarily focus on metallurgical studies, due diligence and project review, and have played key roles in early stage engineering studies, process operations optimization and technical support.

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  • Mining
    We provide a powerful combination of mining industry expertise and technology to bring greater visibility and understanding of the impact of your current practices, across physicals, financials, emissions, and business decisions before they are made.

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  • Resource Modeling and Estimation
    We develop or audit geological models and resource estimations for all major commodities and deposit types for inclusion in all levels of study.

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  • GIS and Masterplan
    GIS gives us the ability to map, model, query and analyze large quantities of data stored both outside and within a relational database according to geographical location. It reveals deeper insights into data, helping users make smarter decisions.

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  • BIM modeling
    This state-of-the-art digital process brings together research, data and designs from each part of the project to create a virtual space where a development can be refined, developed, tested and issues mitigated before building costs are incurred.

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Feasibility / Pre-feasibility / Scoping Studies
  • Preliminary economic assessment
  • Scoping study
  • Pre-feasibility and feasibility studies
  • Production capability assessment
  • Production and development scheduling
  • Capital and operating costs estimation
  • Equipment selection
  • Implementation schedule

Our goal is to give you the highest confidence in the underlying value of your project, by providing appropriate analyses and interpretations to support your key project decisions and development strategies. Our focus is on getting project concepts correct from the earliest stages.

We provide full-scale assessment of your development project's technical design and economy at various stages (Scoping study, Pre‐feasibility and Feasibility studies). Our experience allows us to see both risks and opportunities for the project.

Our team benefits from combining consultants with multifaceted experience to provide the geological, geotechnical, hydrogeological, mining, metallurgical and environmental and social expertise matching the specific challenges of your project.
Geotechnical modeling
  • Geotechnical analysis, mapping, logging, and database creation
  • Structural interpretation and analysis
  • Rock mass characterization and domain modeling
  • Assessment of groundwater impact on construction and operation sites
  • Pit slope and underground stability analysis, 2D and 3D modeling and design
Geotechnical modeling
  • Geotechnical analysis, mapping, logging, and database creation
  • Structural interpretation and analysis
  • Rock mass characterization and domain modeling
  • Assessment of groundwater impact on construction and operation sites
  • Pit slope and underground stability analysis, 2D and 3D modeling and design

Our modeling services cover a wide range of geotechnical challenges from slope stability assessments to in-depth structural assessments, from geological environment to groundwater conditions, and seismicity.

We interpret and analyze findings from geo-data to detect ground conditions that may impact engineering projects. We build models at early stages by performing regional geological assessments and desk studies using publicly available data. Thus we build helpful geotechnical models and come up with the right design parameters to ensure that you get practical, focused results that add value to your projects.

We are able to provide experts in key areas to help you successfully deliver your projects and are happy to work closely with your teams to strengthen in-house expertise by sharing our understanding and skills.
Tailings and Mine Waste Engineering
  • Short- and long-term strategic planning for tailings and water management
  • Risk and hazard assessment
  • Failure evaluations
  • Feasibility studies and financial evaluations
  • Emergency response plans
  • Site evaluation and selection
  • Water balance development and utilization
  • Emissions testing and evaluation
  • Geotechnical, hydrogeological, rheological and geochemical characterization
  • Geotechnical, hydrologic and rheological evaluation and design (from conceptual stage through to detailed)
  • Life cycle trade-off studies
  • Design to accommodate low strength, low density materials
  • Paste and thickened tailings schemes
  • Design of tailings facilities (from conceptual through to detailed)
  • Consulting on construction management and quality assurance
  • Consulting on operational monitoring and management
  • Decommissioning, closure and landform restoration

Competing factors such as cost, the environment impact, safety, and technical viability are all primary considerations when today's mining organizations are investing in new tailings systems or retrofitting existing ones.

We manage mine waste using an interdisciplinary approach involving: mining engineering, civil engineering, water management, environmental engineering, and geotechnical engineering.

We develop practical, economical engineering solutions for effective environment-friendly management of tailings disposal. We can help you select and test technologies for water recovery and conservation, improving operations performance and stability. We can provide stable, low-risk rehabilitation strategies for existing and future tailings storage areas.

Tailings facilities often impact large surface catchment areas and regional groundwater systems. Their effects need to be thoroughly studied in order to minimize long-term impacts on operations and the surrounding environment.
Water management
  • Waste characterization
  • Field assessments and monitoring
  • Water quality modeling to be used in waste management planning and effects assessment
  • Site-wide contaminant load balances
  • Evaluation of waste management measures
  • Water treatment evaluations
  • Integrated hydrogeological interpretation
  • Consulting on the hydrogeological environment to ensure sustainable use of water resources
  • Modeling and calculations of flow velocities in artificial hydraulic structures
  • Modeling and forecast of emergency situations
Water management
  • Waste characterization
  • Field assessments and monitoring
  • Water quality modeling to be used in waste management planning and effects assessment
  • Site-wide contaminant load balances
  • Evaluation of waste management measures
  • Water treatment evaluations
  • Integrated hydrogeological interpretation
  • Consulting on the hydrogeological environment to ensure sustainable use of water resources
  • Modeling and calculations of flow velocities in artificial hydraulic structures
  • Modeling and forecast of emergency situations

Water management includes a broad range of engineering and environmental services involving water storage, treatment, and distribution, as well as protection and restoration of wetlands, watersheds, lakes, and streams. Understanding the hydrogeological setting requires thorough knowledge of the natural environment and the processes required to mitigate the risk of contamination, and to guarantee sustained groundwater supply.

We work with your geologists to understand how the geology of your property affects drainage chemistry, and how it can be used to limit potential impacts and engineering costs. We take a strategic approach to flood management planning and flood modeling. We produce flood modeling reports, reviews, risk assessments, storm water drainage design and a full suite of flood mapping.

We develop the conjunctive use of surface, groundwater and recycled water; collecting baseline surface and groundwater data at the early stages of the exploration project, including borehole water levels, surface flows and water quality data; and integrating each water component with the total mine water system.

We also do hydraulic modeling of flood lines and dam break analysis, and offer excellent project services from pre-feasibility stage to operational.
Other services include water quality analysis, surface water quality and flow monitoring plans, flood routing at tailings dams, modeling of discharges from water bodies, storm-water attenuation, and spillway sizing.
Metallurgy and Mineral Processing
  • Analysis of the conducted research and technological regulations of production
  • Calculation of water-slurry and qualitative-quantitative charts of the technological process
  • Development of a circuit diagram of apparatuses
  • Calculation and selection of the main technological equipment
  • Development of preliminary layouts
  • BIM modeling of individual nodes and enterprises
  • Analysis and assessment of technological risks
  • Proposals for optimizing technological processes and equipment

We focus on adding value to your project and company by understanding your needs, employing innovative ideas, and applying reliable engineering solutions while maintaining an economy-driven approach

Our experienced team of metallurgists and process specialists primarily focus on metallurgical studies, due diligence and project review, and have played key roles in early stage engineering studies, process operations optimization and technical support.

Our team is experienced in most aspects of extractive metallurgy and mineral processing of base and precious metals, industrial and energy minerals, including test work, engineering and operations. We have a strong background of working in crushing, grinding, leaching (tank and heap), concentration, pressure and bio-oxidation, SXEW, smelting and roasting processes.
  • Full range of studies from scoping to feasibility study
  • Evaluation of mining plans
  • Development and implementation of optimal production strategies
  • Design, planning and engineering support of mining operations
  • Geological surveys for planning and optimizing mining operations
  • Mining simulation
  • Full range of studies from scoping to feasibility study
  • Evaluation of mining plans
  • Development and implementation of optimal production strategies
  • Design, planning and engineering support of mining operations
  • Geological surveys for planning and optimizing mining operations
  • Mining simulation

We provide a powerful combination of mining industry expertise and technology to bring greater visibility and understanding of the impact of your current practices, across physicals, financials, emissions, and business decisions before they are made.

Our services cover scoping, pre-feasibility and feasibility studies and economic evaluations, detailed mine design and layouts, production scheduling and equipment selection, operating cost estimation and capital expenditure estimation. We also have key people pro-actively reviewing improved mining methods outside traditional approaches.

We have in-house skills allowing us to work with all major software design, optimization and scheduling packages.
Resource Modeling and Estimation
  • Evaluations of exploration properties
  • Reviews of exploration sampling results
  • Optimization of drillhole targeting for resource definition
  • Exploration and database management
  • Creation of 2D and 3D geological, structural and mineralization models
  • Statistical and geostatistical analyses
  • Resource estimation, classification and reporting for all stages of projects from scoping studies through to feasibility studies and operating mines
  • Due diligence reviews of geological interpretations and resource estimates
  • Metal accounting and production reconciliations

We develop or audit geological models and resource estimations for all major commodities and deposit types for inclusion in all levels of study.

The geologists at Dokshin have extensive experience in exploration, database management, resource estimation, grade control and conditional simulation. We can take your project from grassroots exploration through the feasibility study stage and into production.

Our approach to resource estimation combines our strengths in structural geology and ore deposit geology, our understanding of geostatistical theory and our extensive experience in resource estimation and mining operations. The resource estimate is tailored to each specific project.

From geological data interpretation either manual or implicit, through to application of advanced geostatistical modeling techniques, our geologists will deliver what you need to have confidence in assessing financials and progressing your project to the next stage. We integrate geology into general resource management, using the latest technologies available at the appropriate stages.
GIS and Masterplan
  • Data capture, management and processing
  • Geoprocessing and spatial analysis
  • 3D Spatial modeling and visualization
  • GIS project set-up, development and management of systems
GIS and Masterplan
  • Data capture, management and processing
  • Geoprocessing and spatial analysis
  • 3D Spatial modeling and visualization
  • GIS project set-up, development and management of systems

GIS gives us the ability to map, model, query and analyze large quantities of data stored both outside and within a relational database according to geographical location. It reveals deeper insights into data, helping users make smarter decisions.

Through geospatial visualization, our clients make better informed decisions, enhance internal and stakeholder communication, comply with statutory requirements, and manage resources and assets more efficiently.

SRTM technologies present a unique opportunity to create a global, instantaneous model of an urban or suburban region using satellite imagery, together with collocated topographic information, which can be used to characterize building types, land use, and other variables.
BIM modeling
  • BIM modeling and delivering high-quality visuals, realistic 3D models and presentations
  • Collision detection and model analysis
  • Modeling and parameterization of design characteristics of equipment and pipelines
  • Modeling and binding the schedule and cost to the 3D model

This state-of-the-art digital process brings together research, data and designs from each part of the project to create a virtual space where a development can be refined, developed, tested and issues mitigated before building costs are incurred.

This process provides clear opportunities for cost and risk reduction, whilst improving quality and deliverability by identifying conflicts and clashes at the design stage.

Being able to provide clients with interoperable and increasingly data rich models is now an industry standard and is a requirement of any project that entails public spending; ranging from colleges to roads.

We use multi-dimensional design data mapping for our projects to create integrated design platforms that incorporate schedule and cost and, in the process, save customers time and money. These technologies allow us real time access to metadata related to equipment and systems within a project with a click of a mouse in a virtual or augmented reality environment for our customers.

The benefits of BIM and the Digital Engineering process can be felt throughout the entire life cycle of your development, providing you with all the necessary information to operate, maintain and manage your project going forward.
Dokshin has unique expertise. Our completed projects:
Dokshin information modeling and consulting since 2008
More than 10 years ago, even before we started our own company, we were implementing information modeling while working in other engineering companies. All this time we have been designing, building and managing field development projects. We study data and create strategies, track errors in projects and correct them in BIM models, manage changes, budgets and schedules, see problems and offer solutions.

Dokshin is an accomplished project team that will help you to get the production up and running. We’re professionals that have been through some extremely challenging projects together. We tented in the fields, explored the tundra on all-terrain vehicles, and now we feel and understand each other at a glance.

As companies get bigger they tend to lose efficiency. We use technologies that can help avoid this. We focus on strategy and profitability, analyze every technical problem and build a detailed action plan for every stage: from initiation to start of production.

Save your money, time and peace of mind. Contact us at any stage.
We are ready.
Let's stay in touch
4150 - 025, Porto
Rua da Agra nº 102
+351 915 884 104

129626, Moscow
Prospect Mira, 102, bldg 24, office 208
+7 495 790 94 88

0001, Yerevan
Sayat-Nova Ave 33, 29
+374 93 370 357

050040/A15G7M6, Almaty
Bayzakov st. 280, Almaty Towers
+7 776 006 4188